Thursday, January 5, 2012

Holidays are over......

and I feel like playing with wool again. I am considering buying my first wheel. A teacher is coming into town who teaches making odd art yarn and of course I want to be all over that. Her pre-class requirements are to be able to spin, have your own wheel and be extremely familiar with it. Her class would be the end of Feb so if I am going to do this, I need to learn really quickly. The local store will teach me how to spin if I buy from them but I am usually uncomfortable with one on one teaching soooooo that means I would have to get out my books and start studying. Wonder if I can pull this one off? It would mean I could go to shows year round as felting is mostly fall and winter here. Any spinners' with advice out there?


Teresa said...

I learned to spin on a weekend retreat. From Friday afternoon to Sunday noon I spun and learned from the others on retreat. But it took regular practise for some time before I could leave it alone for months and not feel like I was a square-one when I started again. Good luck. Try lots of different wheels before you settle on one to buy.

FiberArtisttoo said...

Thanks Teresa, trying lots of wheels is good advice. I was surprised to see how expensive wheels are and if I get one, I definitely want it to be the right one for me. Just got a lead on a just Louet...